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The Daydream

The wood of light grew dark, but bright, with colors from heaven galore.

As the woman dreamed, a hawk screamed, and flew to the forest’s top floor.

The daydream lasted for only five minutes—these minutes counted the most…

Of all the times she’d been there before, in company of a heavenly host.

The trees were green, her skin so soft—the flowers were red…her mind, turned off.

The bark seemed to be, though it wasn’t at all, as bright as the water in Niagara Falls.

She stared into nothing, but saw butterflies—she saw with her mind, not with her eyes.

She ran through the forest, though she was lying down—she laughed a soft laughter, but made no sound.

And then she woke up and got onto her bike—and she left behind the beautiful light.


 Â© 1995 Koda Gallegos, All Rights Reserved

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Walking Here & There: and Other Early Works

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